Keywords, and data, and analytics, oh my! When it comes to optimizing brand websites and content for maximum exposure, the road isn’t always paved in easily-navigated yellow brick. That’s why we guided all digital client journeys with proven data, so the right target could hear them loud and clear.
For projects like revamping Visit Florida’s official blog, we didn’t just populate the page, we also made sure the original content answered to the interests, search history, and keyword use of people most likely to chose Florida for vacations. The articles touched on everything from visa guidelines to electronics, providing solutions for potential visitors while enticing them to book.
For renowned Scandinavian baby brand Stokke, standing out in the sea of Amazon sameness was key to helping them claim their biggest retailer’s “top rated” throne. Leveraging competitor data, we re-worked product pages to reflect top-performing language, fine-tuned SEO, and addressed parents’ top concerns in all descriptions. Sales increased. Ranking increased. Awareness increased. Client happy dances increased.